Saturday, November 15, 2008


I know I haven't posted in quite a while, but here is my excuse. I've been... Umm... Doing other things...

Anyway. Bungie announced some great stuff. We've learned quite a bit about Halo 3: Recon. Yesterday, however, we learned what many already knew. You get the Vidmaster Achievements, and you acquire recon armor. This is fairly difficult, as you will have to buy H3R to get the armor. Many of us already have three of the four vidmasters, and we only need those skulls.

It was also clarified that the Mythic Map Pack only has three maps. Heretic, Longshore, and Citadel will be released with H3R.

For all you who love recon, you will finally be able to get it. Many of us have tried. I've even gotten myself splattered by a forklift a few times to try to get it. My friends get random kills and splatters, some of them have gotten the armor for such things. Many have passed on useless videos, pictures, and maps in attempts to get the armor. Some of us modded it in. Now everyone can have it. Just that easy.

When the MMP is released in January, I'll post a skull guide as soon as I find them. I'll be posting to the blog more often.

Now, I'm simply interested to see how many people actually wear their recon after they get it. Everyone is obsessed with the armor now, but in the next few months, hardly anyone will wear it because it's not that special.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

Another friday update

Bungie told us about this month's playlists! We have quite a few awesome things in store this month. Be ready!

They didn't tell much else. Read into it on

Bungie Loves Fable

Last night at 10:30 PM pacific, About 6 Bungie employees were playing Fable II. Bungie loves Fable.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Meet a Bungie employee!

You have a chance to fight 2v2 against a Bungie employee in a donation tournament. Minimum donation $10. This is completely legit, Bungie announced it. So donate and pwn.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


This online group of gamers gets to control Bungie favorites for the next few weeks. Read the post.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Yet another weekly update

Well, they gave us a pretty long one today.

They told us more about the new file share system. They also told us that bnet has CoolIris now for screenshots... The next few paragraphs were useless. They announced a book titled The Art of Halo 3 and showed the concept cover.

They got a new employee: his name is Eric "The Urkstore called and their all out of you" Elton. He seems pretty awesome. This month we are in for some great Double EXP weekends... Griffball, Team Flag, Legendary Brawl, Experimental Gametypes, and Icy Treats on Blackout.

You can find an entire Q/A section as well...

Here is a copy of the theme from the H3R preview.

Oh, and if Bungie were in StarTrek.

Read the post on Bnet.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Upon news and speculation, Citadel will most likely be based on the mission "The Covenant"

Saturday, October 11, 2008

An image from Orbital

Well, deep space images are always great, this one is the best.

This almost looks like the aurora from Blackout, but this is the sky in Orbital, so I've been told.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Update! Woot!

Well, today we got some things cleared up about Halo 3: Recon. It is the same as "KEEP IT CLEAN." It is going to be a separate disk. It will ship with the Mythic Map Pack, but the pack will be released early this January. (Remember the 1/6/08 in the first video.) Bungie is working on other projects. Recon has its own set of achievements.

Read the post on Bnet.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Halo 3: Recon

I was playing a matchmade game of Rockets on Foundry just minutes ago when I went to my home menu and saw a notice titled: Halo 3: Recon. This is the new game Bungie is working on. It is similar but NOT THE SAME as Halo 3: Keep It Clean. Halo 3: Recon will be released with the Mythic Map pack. We know Halo 3: Keep It Clean will be released on 1/6/09, and now it's time to watch the video. You can download it for Windows Media Player Here and for Quicktime Here.

You can download it on the XBL Marketplace and, of course, and I'll be posting it on YouTube soon.

Now, about the trailer. It is an extenuation of the last one.It shows an ODST with a weapons, and he sees a Brute pack. The graphics are freaking awesome. "New Hero, New Campaign, Prepare to Drop: Fall 2009." Now, this really makes you think it is the same, and it could be, but it is not in my opinion since a Bungie employee has confirmed that Keep it Clean would be released on the date inside the title. This seems strange since Bungie loves confusing people, but, unless I have been ripped off by a mapmaker, or Microsoft changed the release date, something good will be released on the sixth. In any case, Fall 2009 sounds great. One year's wait for Mythic Map Pack...

Read the post on

YouTube video.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Bungie Weekly Update

Well, it was another useless update this week... I'm sorry I didn't get to it sooner. Anyway they just showed more improvements to your file share :)

Read the post on

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Weekly Update

Well, its another Friday. The week's news talks about improved file share, new "Bungie Cards," some extra info about the update, and of course an entire page and a half of memories from Bungie staff about the release of Halo 3. And so I repeat my famous words:

Read the post on

Friday, September 26, 2008

Mythic Skulls

Everyone knows about the "Mythic Skull" on Cortana, but now everyone knows about the hidden skulls on each map in the Mythic Map Pack. These skulls have achievements, these achievements have icons which tell us something about the map.

Here we see the Assembly Skull icon. Its like a circle with some snakes on it. This, of course, relates to the map, Assembly, itself. That is the snakes in the center refers to the large tower in the center of Assembly (Any ideas about the hidden skull being on that tower?) and the circle refers to the fact that Assembly is circular.

Here we see the Citadel Skull icon. I'm not exactly sure how to comprehend the thing, but it does mean something. Possibly two hills and a cactus? Otherwise it is just two curves and a line...

As for the rest, I don't understand exactly, but I'll post their images.

Heretic Skull

Longshore Skull - we can see a camping tent and perhaps a fish jumping out of the water. Examine closely - you may be surprised.

Orbital Skull

Sandbox Skull - You can clearly see a monitor making me think competitive forge games will be in matchmaking soon. Notice the "Tank Dropper" achievement where you kill an opponent in forge.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Finally, after a 12 hour wait, Bungie releases the teaser trailer for their newest game.

Well, it is sort of a Halo 3 add on... It seems to be a new version of campaign.

It takes place in a city, and you can see thousands of drop pods. I'm not sure of any more, but you can examine the video yourself.

Read the post on

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

TU2 is here!

Midnight last night an historic thing in Halo history happened. The Title Update 2 was indeed released.

They released a number of new achievements bringing the number of achievements to get up to 73!

According to Bungie, the Vidmaster Challenges are very valuable, and if you get them all, there is a great surprise.

The rest are worth quite a bit. And yet, Bungie has more in store. The TU2 only allows you to get 10 of the other achievements. They do have quite a few maps coming. Two of which are "Assembly" and "Heritic" There are, of course, more than that, but you can turn on your 360s and take a look.

Read the post on

List of Achievements - how to get them...

Vidmaster Challenge: Annual
After 9/25/08, complete Halo on 4-player Legendary LIVE co-op, with Iron, and everyone in Ghosts.

Double Double
On a Legendary map, get two Double Kills during any ranked or social match.

Alas, Poor Yorick
On a Legendary map, get 3 Oddball melee kills during any ranked or social match.

Came... From... Behind
On a Legendary map, get 3 assassinations during any ranked or social match.

Defend This
On a Legendary map, get a flag melee kill during any ranked or social match.

Flag Dropped
On a Legendary map, get 2 flag carrier kills during any ranked or social match.

Road Rage
On a Legendary map, get 5 Warthog chaingun kills during any ranked or social match.

Look Both Ways
On a Legendary map, get a Splatter Spree during any ranked or social match.

Here is where it gets fun - New maps!

Hammer Time
On Assembly, get 5 Hammer kills during any ranked or social match.

On Citadel, get a Shotgun Spree during any ranked or social match.

Blades of Fury
On Heretic, get a Sword Spree during any ranked or social match.

Ghost Patrol
On Longshore, get 3 kills with a Ghost during any ranked or social match.

Post Mortem
On Orbital, get 2 Death From the Grave medals during any ranked or social match.

... Get the Horns
On a Mythic map, get a Bulltrue medal during any ranked or social match.

Awww, Too Bad
On a Mythic map, get a Killjoy medal during any ranked or social match.

On a Mythic map, get a Killtacular during any ranked or social match.

Have Fun Respawning
On a Mythic map, get an Extermination during any ranked or social match.

Save This Film
On a Mythic map, get a Perfection medal during any ranked or social match.

Delicious Brains
On a Mythic map, infect 2 humans during any ranked or social match.

Zombie Repeller
On a Mythic map, kill 2 Zombies during any ranked or social match.

Tank Dropper
On any Mythic map, get a kill on another player while in monitor mode.

Assembly Skull
On Assembly, find the hidden skull.

Citadel Skull
On Citadel, find the hidden skull.

Heretic Skull
On Heretic, find the hidden skull.

Longshore Skull
On Longshore, find the hidden skull.

Orbital Skull
On Orbital, find the hidden skull.

Sandbox Skull
On Sandbox, find the hidden skull

Vidmaster Challenge: Brainpan
Find all the hidden skulls on the Mythic maps.

Vidmaster Challenge: Lightswitch
Get to the rank of Lieutenant in any playlist in the new EXP progression system.

Vidmaster Challenge: 7 on 7
Enter into any ranked or social playlist with 7 EXP on the 7th of the month.

So the list of Mythic maps in the Mythic Map Pack are:

And perhaps even more. As to how much it costs, no one know just yet. Bungie is still working with Microsoft on releasing them...


Bungie posted the following just before the release of TU2.



>> SENT: [DARE.V.500341(S1)]


[SMN.ACTUAL]: “The situation on the ground isn’t my concern.”
[DARE.V.500341(S1)]: “I understand, Admiral. But I need --”
[EXPLOSION (4.0098s)]
[SMN.ACTUAL]: “Empty archer pods six through twelve!”
[SMN.ACTUAL]: “Ready the MAC, and come about!”
[SMN.ACTUAL]: “It may have passed us, Lieutenant, but it’s still in range.”
[SMN.ACTUAL]: “Come about. And shoot it in the ass.”
[EXPLOSION (2.3482s)]
[STATIC (3.8761s)]
[DARE.V.500341(S1)]: “Admiral, about my squad?”
[DARE.V.500341(S1)]: “I’ve forwarded their NCO’s name to your --”
[SMN.ACTUAL]: “Enough, Captain!”
[SMN.ACTUAL]: “If I survive this attack..."
[SMN.ACTUAL]: “I will deploy per my orders from Fleet HQ!”
[DARE.V.500341(S1)]: “Sir. I don’t report to Fleet.”
[DARE.V.500341(S1)]: “And the men I want? Now they don’t either.”
[DARE.V.500341(S1)]: “Please. Read my request.”
[STATIC (2.8179s)]
[EXPLOSION (3.0194s)]
[STATIC (7.4501s)]
[SMN.ACTUAL]: “Didn’t think you S1 types ever left your cave.”
[DARE.V.500341(S1)]: “Desperate times...”
[SMN.ACTUAL]: “Alright, Captain. You’ve got your squad.”
[SMN.ACTUAL]: “If I survive the attack."
[EXPLOSION (2.9016s)]
[SMN.ACTUAL]: “And right now? That’ll take a genuine act of God.”
[DARE.V.500341(S1)]: “I’ll see what I can do.”


Read on

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Two posts! I missed em!

Unfortunately I was unable to post thursday or friday when two of the most epic posts made by bungie were released.

TU2 - September 23! Be ready, this will be awesome. Bungie has already changed some things on Halo 3 XBox Live and

Playlists - Gonna be new, I have covered these in a previous post.

Read the post on


You all remember the ads on the week of E3. When Bungie almost got to reveal their newest project. Well, I hope you are ready for this. Bungie leaked only a bit of information. You can gather what you must, to me it means Halo 4, well concealed by a fictitious separation of Bungie and Microsoft.

Read the following.





>> (...) ~ QUERY RUNNING
>> (..)

[COMM.DUTY.OFFICER]: “We know. Personnel are en route. Can you--”
[COMM.DUTY.OFFICER]: “--put Kinsler on the line?”
[COMM.DUTY.OFFICER]: “Sorry, what?”
[COMM.DUTY.OFFICER]: “Oh, come on... ”
[COMM.DUTY.OFFICER]: “Listen. We have a report of core data corruption.”
[COMM.DUTY.OFFICER]: “I need you to upload your--”
[COMM.DUTY.OFFICER] “--logs for the last twenty-four hours!”
[COMM.DUTY.OFFICER]: “We're sending a team, alright?”
[COMM.DUTY.OFFICER]: “Until they arrive, all additional comm needs to route through me.”
[COMM.DUTY.OFFICER]: “Repeat and acknowledge.”
[COMM.DUTY.OFFICER]: “I'll take that as a ‘yes’...”



Read the post on

Saturday, September 13, 2008

How to see yourself with Recon armor.

Well since there was nothing better to post I thought I would show you how you look with recon.

Go to, log in, and go to your service record.

Select your photo. Mine looks like this.

The address is as follows.

p1=0 - This means I am a spartan. 0 = spartan, 1 = elite.

p2=7 - my helmet. We can change this to 3 and boom, I haz recon!

p3=6 - left shoulder. p3 and p4 are both shoulders. I will now change both my shoulders to 3, recon.

p5=5 - my chest. change to 3 for recon, 7 for hayabusa w/ katana, and 8 for flaming helmet.

p6, p7, and p8 are your colors, primary, secondary, and detail.

Enjoy looking at yourself with recon...

I will repeat - p1 is model. p2 is helmet. p3 is left shoulder. p4 is right shoulder. p5 is chest. p6 is primary color. p7 is secondary color. p8 is detail.

full recon address (red color)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Keep them plasma pistols glowing!

Now that the podcast is out, I would like to post some of the headlines.

Sandtarp! I told you about this before, but there are some changes. There will, of course, be no elephants. Instead of elephants, there will be Hornets and Banshees. There will be no more "Rapid fire capping."


Poor senior programmer, has too many bugs too fast... I FOUND ONE! XD

Mat Noguchi is indeed on the show...

Bungie talks about their troubles trying to get a game to run off of nothing but a DVD...

Bungie talks a bit about how to get hired at Bungie, and how to be a good programmer.

According to them, if making a game, do not start with graphics.

Bungie hasn't talked about much more... Quite a bit of off-topic non-Bungie talk...

If you don't have time to listen to the whole thing, listen to the last ten minutes. Bungie starts talking about future projects, sorta...

Closing comments: Mat loves his dad for paying for his programming projects as a child. "...I wanna give a shout-out to my mom for making me a game before I was even born..."

Final words of the podcast: "We're just gonna go 'pbhbhbbhbhbhhbhpbhpbbhpbphpbphpb' and we'll be back soon!"

Assembly! Video!

Take a look - here you can see the whole map - every part of it.

So now you have seen it. It is Purple Reign. It is Assembly. This is awesome.

Finally the Bungie weekly update!

Well we have been waiting all day, and finally, Bungie posts.

Here is what they have to say.

TU2 is delayed. It will be released sometime this month, but not on the 16th.

The ban discussed in the last update is the awesome and horrifying no online multiplayer ban. The only type of live playable on Halo 3 would be a co-op campaign... Don't cheat, and you will be fine...

Bungie thanks the people for thanking them... This video should explain.

Be sure to download the new Bungie podcast (w007!)

I will post again after I listen to the podcast. I have posted what Bungie has posted. Time to listen to the podcast ;)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

New Achievements! W00T!

Yes, the rumors are true, Bungie is giving us a harder game to beat by giving us even more achievements. Legendary MP is now required if you want your katana.

Bungie only told us a few of them, they say there will be others besides this, but these are what they told us.

Vidmaster Challenge: Lightswitch (0 points) – Get to the rank of Lieutenant in any playlist in the new EXP progression system.
Vidmaster Challenge: 7 on 7 (0 points) – Enter into any ranked or social playlist with 7 EXP on the 7th of the month.
Vidmaster Challenge: Annual (0 points) – After 9/25/08, complete Halo on 4-player Legendary LIVE co-op, with Iron, and everyone in Ghosts.
Double Double (25 points) – On a Legendary map, get two Double Kills during any ranked or social match.
Poor Yorick (25 points) – On a Legendary map, get 3 Oddball melee kills during any ranked or social match.
Came…From…Behind (50 points) – On a Legendary map, get 3 assassinations during any ranked or social match.
Defend This (50 points) – On a Legendary map, get a flag melee kill during any ranked or social match.
Flag Dropped (25 points) – On a Legendary map, get 2 flag carrier kills during any ranked or social match.
Road Rage (25 points) – On a Legendary map, get 5 Warthog chaingun kills during any ranked or social match.
Look Both Ways (50 points) – On a Legendary map, get a Splatter Spree during any ranked or social match.

Also, watch out, your EXP will be set to 0!
Bungie is resetting everyone's EXP to 0, you will still have your same level, but all will have a fresh start.

Playlist Ratings are the playlist-level decoupling of Trueskill values (the in-game number next to your name) from Experience (the icon next to your name).
You will now have a separate military rating (based purely on EXP) in each playlist. When TU2 goes live, everyone will begin at 0 EXP. This means that being a General in a Playlist is based on how many games you’ve won in the Playlist, not based on the Trueskill number next to your name.
Your Trueskill values have not been reset. If someone checks your Service Record they will still see your Highest Skill.

Bungie is changing everything now, there will be so much work to be done. I see no point in trying to get your ranks up now, so don't go for a higher trueskill unless you want people to know you were a general... The level system is still there, however.

Bungie said these changes are both coming with the TU2 around the Halo 3 one year anniversary.

27 teams now have recon because of Bungie's recon challenge, this means about 108 players with the amazing armor we all lust after. Don't worry, just go next year...

Bungie also announced the following:

We have not been informed of any plans to make the Legendary Map pack free. Scoop it up.

Rocket Race had a great run. Plenty of folks enjoyed it throughout its lifespan, but the declining population and number of folks who weren’t playing the game properly moves this playlist off into the sunset. That said, it will receive a fond farewell via a Double EXP weekend and is sure to pop up again from time to time.

No, you cannot stop this retirement from occurring.

Read the post on

Bungie should have posted more about this, we just have to wait.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Killthembrutes Podcast!

Yes, from the makers of, comes an all new, epic podcast: The KillThemBrutes Podcast! You can now take the blog with you on your iPod. We cover the latest posts on the blog and some other news you may not read here. We will try to have some special guests later on. The first podcast will be released soon, and I hope you are all ready.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What is Bungie doing?

Well we all know about the new maps, but don't we all want to know about the next Halo game? Bungie has confirmed (I'd source it but I don't have time to search my browser's history) that they are in fact making a Halo game that is unrelated to Halo Wars or Halo: Chronicles. This could mean only one thing: Halo 4. So in the Halo 4 spirit, lets take a look at some fan-created Halo 4 fun.

zomg that one looked freaky...

You will laugh at this one.

Well, I might as well search for that lost link... But just for any help it was on if you want to search for it yourself.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Halo 3 Wins Edge!

Halo 3 won the Edge Award and they posted this movie!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Halo 1 Insane death

While surfing YouTube I remembered my insane death while playing Halo 1, take a look.


I have added a nice little thing on the side that will show some titles from, just for you who don't like sitting and mashing F5.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Forge Variants in Real Playlists!

Ever wished you could play matchmaking on your maps? Well Bungie has announced it. Bungie will make you fill out a few guidelines and you can give them your map. They will then check everything on it and edit it if necessary. Then you can play that map in Matchmaking! You read it here first.

New Map!!!!!

Recently beta tested at PAX, Codename purple reign is now known as Assembly. Yes, Bungie gave us screenshots.

Bungie didn't say when they would release the map, but it will probably be around the time of the September update. The only thing I realize here is the mistake of Bungie not including vehicles. Although I don't see a need for vehicles on an indoor map, if you notice how absolutely large this is you will agree... Forge will probably allow for the same Ghost and Mongoose, or maybe more... Some new Vehicles have been rumored.

Read the post on

On a larger note, Bungie appears to still be working on Halo 4. The good news is, a bit of information has been leaked. The graphics are supposedly done with a newer and better graphics engine. Master Chief gets an even better suit, and a new race of Aliens are to be fought. A new map codenamed "Genocide" has also been leaked. The layout is supposed to be even and simple. Similar to the Halo 2 map "Burial Mounds."

I'm sure we are all anxious to hear from Bungie about the three new projects they are working on, two of which aren't Halo related.

Whether Bungie announces a new Halo game, or a completely different game in the Halo universe, or even three completely unrelated games, remember: you read it here first.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Halo 1 Loves You, Bungie

As a tribute to Bungie and Halo 3, A group of modders has decided to create a Valhalla map for Halo 1. These modders seem very good at what they do, and so we should be seeing Valhalla in Halo PC very soon. Watch the progress here.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

AHA! I am finally back on my computer! Just in time, too!

Well, Bungie recently announced some Halo 3 updates. The main ones were four new maps: Epilogue, Boundless, Sand Tarp, and Pit Stop.

These are simply changed from the maps Epitaph, Snowbound, Sand Trap, and The Pit. For Epilogue and Boundless, they simply have most of the energy shields removed as well as some weapon changes. Sand Tarp is Sand Trap without the Elephants, the bases are also changed so when you play one sided games defenders are at the vehicle base and the attackers are in the old flag spawn. Not much has been said about pit stop, simply the following line of text:

Added Pit Stop – The Pit with inaccessible spawn hives. Added alongside default map variant.

They are also changing up slayer a bit. You now spawn with a pistol and AR.

The playlists are going to be completely different. You will notice on September 16 that Ranked Big Team has been replaced with "Squad Battle" which is six players to a team.

You will be very disappointed to lose some doubles partners because you now need EVERY map to play in the Team Doubles playlist. Yes, Heroic, Legendary, Cold Storage, and the new maps released Sep 16.

You do get Big Team in the DLC playlists so you may be happy yet again, but no more Valhalla Heavies...

You can read the post here.

You will notice the new Halo 3 Tricks youtube player on the bottom of the page, this plays a Halo 3 Tricks episode of your choice. A new theme for the page will also come soon.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Halo 3 Blog

Well, it has been years since I blogged. I had gotten a bit carried away since I made that walkthrough for SM64DS. I'll delete those two-post blogs when I am back on my refreshing iMac and off of this iPod touch. Well I decided to pull out my 360 and start a blog about the future of Halo. I'll be the first to update you on the new maps like Moonlight Sonata, Halo Wars, Halo Chronicals, Halo 4, and even the Halo Movie. Check daily as I will post right away. I will talk to Bungie employees to get the latest info. And yes, I will fix the freaking background when I am on my iMac and off this touch. This is Nate signing off. See you on XBox Live.