Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Halo 3: Recon

I was playing a matchmade game of Rockets on Foundry just minutes ago when I went to my home menu and saw a notice titled: Halo 3: Recon. This is the new game Bungie is working on. It is similar but NOT THE SAME as Halo 3: Keep It Clean. Halo 3: Recon will be released with the Mythic Map pack. We know Halo 3: Keep It Clean will be released on 1/6/09, and now it's time to watch the video. You can download it for Windows Media Player Here and for Quicktime Here.

You can download it on the XBL Marketplace and, of course, and I'll be posting it on YouTube soon.

Now, about the trailer. It is an extenuation of the last one.It shows an ODST with a weapons, and he sees a Brute pack. The graphics are freaking awesome. "New Hero, New Campaign, Prepare to Drop: Fall 2009." Now, this really makes you think it is the same, and it could be, but it is not in my opinion since a Bungie employee has confirmed that Keep it Clean would be released on the date inside the title. This seems strange since Bungie loves confusing people, but, unless I have been ripped off by a mapmaker, or Microsoft changed the release date, something good will be released on the sixth. In any case, Fall 2009 sounds great. One year's wait for Mythic Map Pack...

Read the post on

YouTube video.

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