Saturday, November 15, 2008


I know I haven't posted in quite a while, but here is my excuse. I've been... Umm... Doing other things...

Anyway. Bungie announced some great stuff. We've learned quite a bit about Halo 3: Recon. Yesterday, however, we learned what many already knew. You get the Vidmaster Achievements, and you acquire recon armor. This is fairly difficult, as you will have to buy H3R to get the armor. Many of us already have three of the four vidmasters, and we only need those skulls.

It was also clarified that the Mythic Map Pack only has three maps. Heretic, Longshore, and Citadel will be released with H3R.

For all you who love recon, you will finally be able to get it. Many of us have tried. I've even gotten myself splattered by a forklift a few times to try to get it. My friends get random kills and splatters, some of them have gotten the armor for such things. Many have passed on useless videos, pictures, and maps in attempts to get the armor. Some of us modded it in. Now everyone can have it. Just that easy.

When the MMP is released in January, I'll post a skull guide as soon as I find them. I'll be posting to the blog more often.

Now, I'm simply interested to see how many people actually wear their recon after they get it. Everyone is obsessed with the armor now, but in the next few months, hardly anyone will wear it because it's not that special.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

Another friday update

Bungie told us about this month's playlists! We have quite a few awesome things in store this month. Be ready!

They didn't tell much else. Read into it on

Bungie Loves Fable

Last night at 10:30 PM pacific, About 6 Bungie employees were playing Fable II. Bungie loves Fable.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Meet a Bungie employee!

You have a chance to fight 2v2 against a Bungie employee in a donation tournament. Minimum donation $10. This is completely legit, Bungie announced it. So donate and pwn.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


This online group of gamers gets to control Bungie favorites for the next few weeks. Read the post.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Yet another weekly update

Well, they gave us a pretty long one today.

They told us more about the new file share system. They also told us that bnet has CoolIris now for screenshots... The next few paragraphs were useless. They announced a book titled The Art of Halo 3 and showed the concept cover.

They got a new employee: his name is Eric "The Urkstore called and their all out of you" Elton. He seems pretty awesome. This month we are in for some great Double EXP weekends... Griffball, Team Flag, Legendary Brawl, Experimental Gametypes, and Icy Treats on Blackout.

You can find an entire Q/A section as well...

Here is a copy of the theme from the H3R preview.

Oh, and if Bungie were in StarTrek.

Read the post on Bnet.